Tips to Setting Boundaries: Making Your Office Your Own

One of the great American dreams is being able to quit a 9-to-5
job to start building a work at home business. More and more
people are making their dream come true. But before you quit that
job and set up your home office, there are a few issues to
On the plus side, part of your home and related expenses are tax
deductible. It's convenient to work while your kids are in school
and then be home for them when they walk through the door in the
afternoon, and let's face it, not having a boss to answer to is a
major plus.
But it's not always the ideal situation. Starting a business
from home isn't always easy on families. There are many issues
that will affect your family. First and foremost are financial
issues. Will you be able to handle the hit to your wallet when
you don't have a steady paycheck? If this is an issue, consider
working your business part time while holding down a full down
It takes a very dedicated person to work from home. There are
always distractions to overcome such as the unexpected visits
from family members who think you have lots of free time because
you don't work a "real" job. It also seems like telemarketers
prefer to call in the middle of the day, and don't forget the
neighbors dropping by to see if you'll babysit while they run
errands. It's very important to let family and friends know your
working hours. Tell them in no uncertain terms that your business
is your income and you need to block out regular working hours.
Also let them know when you are available.
Along those same lines, it is crucial that you explain to your
own family that, although you are home, you are not always
available to them. This can be confusing to kids. Set some basic
rules for them to follow. Let them know your work hours and tell
them you expect not to be disturbed. But occasionally, surprise
them by quitting early and doing something fun with them!
Here are a few basic rules that will help you and your family
handle the new working situation.
* Make sure everyone knows not to answer your business phone.
This will save you in a number of ways. You'll be sure to always
get your messages. Kids are never good at getting all the
details. You'll create a much more professional business image if
you answer your own phone.
* If you're children are typical kids, they will want to "borrow"
your office supplies. Give them their own office supply center
elsewhere in the house! Otherwise, you'll start losing your much
needed supplies.
*Set a work schedule at the beginning of every week and post it
in a prominent spot so family members can check your schedule to
see when you will be available.
Though these issues can and probably will arise, working from
home is still the American Dream for many people. Learning to
set, and more importantly, enforce boundaries for family, friends
and clients will make your business less complicated.