Positioning - Gives YOU The Marketing Edge

Positioning is the best plan that any business can implement.
Positioning is putting yourself in the right place in the eyes of
your market. You get your market to know you as an expert that
can be trusted. You get looked on as a reliable resource for
Positioning is easy to do. Just give free information of interest
to your market. Your market is the people who would be likely to
buy the services or products you offer.
Let's say your market is people who like to fish. What they buy
are reels, poles, lure...things they need to fish with. You could
tell them the Best Ways To Fish For Salmon, Bass, Trout...The
Fine Art Of Fly-Tying...How To Cast For The Best Catch...How To
Find The Best Fishing Spots...Cleaning And Cooking Fish In A
If you sell reels, poles, lure, etc. - then such reports will
attract readership from your target market - the people most
likely to buy from you.
Chances are if those readers found something useful in your
report, then they would be interested in reading more. Give it to
them - have them sign up on your list.
That is how positioning works, and the reward is great. Having a
list built up of targeted, loyal, and responsive prospects is the
very best thing a business can have.
Not only can you tell them how to catch more fish with the least
possible effort, but also how your products can help them to do
it even more so. Since you are an expert, it's only natural that
you would have the greatest tools and tackle.
There is a special thing about having a list, so treat it
special. Consider it for what it will be - the marketing
life-blood of your business.
Most businesses, if they keep lists, just have lists of customers
who bought from them, and yet do not even send them as much as a
Thank You Note or Christmas Card.
The people on your list will have a more connected relationship
with you. You are not just a seller to them, and they are not
just a customer to you. They will look forward to contact from an
expert giving out the latest fishing tips and you will be ready
for any questions they might bring you. Your answer will most
likely be of interest with your whole list, so share it with all
of them.
The more you can make the people feel privileged to be on your
list the better. You can give your list exclusive deals, free
offers, deep discounts, holiday specials, even the chance to
sign-up for a paid subscription service where they get the
meanest down and dirty underground secrets of fishing success
where the fish don't stand a chance in Neptune.
This works for any marketing niche you happen to be in, not just
fish. Positioning is the very best way to 'fish' for prospects in
your market. Lure them with the knowledge and service you
provide, and soon you have your own stocked pond full of hungry
fish that you can catch over and over again.
It pays to know as much about your market as you can. Communicate
with your market about the ups and downs, advantages and
disadvantages, progress and problems associated with it. Do what
they do, read what they read, know their likes and dislikes,
search and study resources.
Above all, look for answers and innovations. Then find a way to
use them in your marketing and advertising. People will always be
interested in new and better things and are drawn to those who
have them.
This will not only help in positioning yourself as an expert, but
also in finding ways to position your products or service as
having unique benefits. You do this by finding unsolved needs and
thinking up solutions. Being the first at something also affirms
you as an expert par excellence.
If you do these things, you and your business will be positioned.
You will have the MARKETING EDGE.
George Whitecraft