Blog & Ping Your Way To Quick Indexing.

Right now most of you are saying, "Ya, so? I know how to get my
site indexed now, so what's the big deal? Well the "Big Deal" is
that blogging and pinging gets your site indexed quickly and it's
free, that's right, costs you nothing.
If you have any experience trying to get a site indexed and
listed with the major search engines, then you know that it an
intimidating task that is difficult to get done in a reasonable
amount of time. After working hard to get your site together,
garnering and writing content, worrying about keywords and
keyword densities you are no even close to finished. Now come
the even more arduous part of the task! Now you must submit, by
hand, your site to all the major search engines and in the end
you still get to wait, wait and wait some more.
That't right, you have to wait for the spiders to come index your
site, this could take weeks or it could take months. There are
some methods that will help bring those spiders around a bit
faster but these take lots of time effort or money and still you
can't be sure the spiders will come anytime soon.
Blogging and pinging resolves this problem, you can guarantee
that spiders will come to your site and that you will get listed
in major search engines in just a day or so, with minimal sweat
and no additional money spent.
How does it work you ask? Well the largest search engine, Google,
owns and this is the site you want to use to create
your blog. Google does and will continue to send it's search
spiders through on a frequent, regular basis to find
new content for their other new service "Google Blog search".
When you blog about the contents of your web site the URL of the
site is automatically attached. That way when Googles spiders
come along they will see the URL. If it is not already part
Googles database the spiders will crawl over to the URL and check
it out.
So now imagine that the URL found on your Blog was your newly
created website. Instead of waiting weeks or months, your site
is being spidered immediately. Google themselves will tell you
that they would rather attain new URL's by searching content,
then to get them by submission. So why not use blogging and
pinging to give them what they want.
Another good piece of news is that once Google has indexed your
site, other search engines that use Googles feeds will have you
on their sites also. And all of this happens at lighting speed,
ok so not quiet lighting, but fast.
A technique to get Yahoo to sent their spiders your way is to
create a MyYahoo account and then subscribe to your own blogs RSS
feed. By using this technique you will get Yahoo to quickly
visit and index your site, and the link thereon, need I say again
all of this costs you nothing!
While you a pinging away don't forget to ping other services like
Technorati and (and for those unfamiliar, no that is not a
typo the . belongs there). So you ask why would I want to be on
those sites? Just one word for an answer, Traffic. Sites like
Technorati and spider your links in real time, so if you
show up on someone's Technorati link list for their site it is
very likely they will come to your site to see what you have
said, thus increases your exposure.
George Whitecraft