Marketing Skill Can Turn Your Site Into A Money Making Machine

Sadly too many smaller companies believe that marketing is not
important and never reaps the yield it should for the time and
money investment. Nothing could be further from the truth! Why
do you think large corporations spend millions of dollars each
year in marketing? It's to get you to buy their products and it
Companies will often ask themselves why are sales so low? Why
are we not growing? We did our advertising and marketing
campaigns and where are the results to show for it?
The problem isn't with the campaigns as much as with the
tracking. Too many companies spend their hard earned revenues on
marketing and advertising campaigns yet spend little or no effort
to test and track those campaigns to see which ones are working
and which ones are not.
The key to success is being prepared! In order to succeed you
need to lay a foundation that is guaranteed to succeed. Then
success will follow in it's footsteps!
First you need to have a strategy. Your strategy needs to set
your goals and expectations. It also needs to outline what you
will do if your targets are not met and what you will do if they
are met. Think of it as your roadmap to success!
You are going to need to identify where you want your company to
head. What is the vision you have for your company? More sales?
More name brand recognition? More emphasis on customer support?
More customers?
Then you are going to need to identify how you will get these
messages to your customer base. You need to match your products
with your consumers and target the correct consumer group with
your marketing campaigns.
In other words you need to know your audience. And not just a
little bit, a lot! Know what makes them tick, what makes them
buy the products they buy. Is it convenience, prestige, price,
convenience? Do your research!
This process is critical whether today is your first day in
business or your 25th year. Demographics change, consumer buying
habits change and each year you need to be on top of the market.
You also need to do some long term planning. Where do you want
your company to be in one year, five years, ten years? You need
to set your goals now so that you have a focus point to work
towards. It's called a game plan!
Don't be stingy on the details. Define your company, detail your
management team now and what you anticipate in the future. Same
goes for employees and clients, and even suppliers.
Now it's time to put the money machine to work. Build a road map
that begins with weekly goals, as well as monthly goals, then add
yearly goals for sales figures. These are the numbers you are
going to shoot for.
Sure you won't always make them but sometimes you'll exceed your
projected budgets. And without a target you have nothing to work
towards or plan towards. By planning in advance you know what
you're aiming for. Perhaps Mother's day is just around the
corner, or how about back to school. You need special marketing
campaigns for specific events to draw customers to your
Next you have to win your audience otherwise known as the
consumer. What can you do or offer that your competition can't.
How can you stand out from the crowd? You are going to have to
put some thought into this but you can come up with the answers!
You'll also want to revisit your current approach to existing
customers. Do you have a follow up approach or do you sell to
them once and then forget about them? Do you capture the names
of customers that have purchased from you so that you can market
your product[s] to them again in the future?
What type of customer service do you offer? Are your existing
customers ranting about how good you are or how bad you are? If
you're good do potential customers know why you're so good?
You'll want to make sure your marketing strategy tells the
potential customer why you are better than the competition.
Your marketing campaigns can truly make or break your business.
If you need to cut expenses do not cut your marketing budget. In
fact spend more on learning how to be a pro marketer!
Remember your marketing skills can turn your business into a
money making machine!
George Whitecraft