Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Are You Inviting Trouble?

Too many computer users neglect to do the basic maintenance of
their computer. The result is a clear path to their personal
information. Hackers are diligently at work everyday trying to
find the weakness in your system so that they may be able to
steal your personal information. Others would simply like to
create trouble and destroy your hard drive.

The numerous softwares available such as: adware removers,
antivirus tools, keypatrol agents, spyware blasters and so on,
can only work for you if you put them to work.

Think of yourself as a pilot doing a pre-flight inspection. The
pilot is responsible for doing a thorough inspection of his
airplane before any passenger boards the plane. He needs to be
sure that all safety precautions have been taken to guarantee
that all mechanical and electronic devices are working and that
the mechanical inspections are up to date. He needs to verify
that the aircraft is in good operating condition. Once the plane
is off, it is too late to start wondering if such and such a
device is working properly.

Your computer is your responsibility. Just like a pilot needs to
go through a checklist, you also should make yourself a checklist
of things to verify before you surf the Internet. Once connected,
it is too late to realize that your system is not up to the
challenge. If your system is not checked, if you are vulnerable
to the attacks, you could pay a severe price.

You need to purchase good tools for this job. It is acceptable to
try free tools to evaluate their quality but once you have found
a good tool, purchase it and put it to work.

One of the biggest problem for the average computer owner,
resides in the fact that he/she simply refuses to take the time
to read about their new tool. They would like to: simply buy it,
install it and never think about it again. You need to take the
time to educate yourself on the functioning of any tool you buy.
Generally softwares are well written by qualified programmers. A
professional software will include all the instructions that you
would need to obtain the best performance of the tool. If this is
not the case, keep on searching. Go to a trusted site such as
CNET and read the comments from other users about the tool you
are thinking of buying. Take the time needed to do a good
research, remember you are putting all your information at risk
when you connect to the Internet.
Once you are confident that the software you are purchasing is of
the highest quality, then take your time and read all the
documentation provided. Once you have done this and only then,
install the software. Make sure to add the tool to your list of
daily maintenance.

If you have not done so yet, locate and read all the recommended
procedures for the softwares that protect your computer.

Create a text file and save it on your desktop.
You will want this file to contain your checklist of things to do
everyday before you start surfing the Internet.

Here is a possible list of the things that should be done before
you start surfing:
1) Check your antivirus for updates. Regularly run your
antivirus. If at any time your antivirus locates a virus, you
need to update your antivirus, disconnect from the Internet and
do a full scan of your computer with the updated antivirus.
Always make sure your antivirus is actively protecting your
2) Clean your computer cache and your temporary files. You can
pick up a software for this at CNET: http://www.cnet.com/
3) Clean your history
4) Update your adware remover. Run your adware remover. Again you
can try free adware removers from CNET but please buy the full
package when you find one that you know will protect you. You
truly need all the functions of the software, not just a portion
of the functions which is usually the case with Trial Version of
a software.
5) Update your firewall and check the settings, Some clever
hackers can change the settings of your computer therefore
putting you at risk.
6) Check for mail protection agents and make sure that they are
7) Run a scandisk
8) Update your browser

This is a sample list. Create one that applies to your computer
and to the software installed on it. Keep your list updated and
make sure that you do what you put on your list. Creating a list
and not executing it will be of no use.

We cannot totally protect ourselves against the perils of the
Internet but we can at least make sure that we do all that we

Take the proper precautions and you too can have a safe journey
on the Internet.
George Whitecraft

