Happy Clients Are The Enemy

Clients who are happy with what they have are your worst enemy.
Happy clients don't complain. Happy clients aren't looking for
new solutions. And, happy clients will not spend their money on
something they don't need.
'But client satisfaction is the foundation of my business,' you
So true! Your client's complete satisfaction should be your
ultimate goal. Here is the key question: If a client is
satisfied with your product today, will your product meet their
changing needs tomorrow?
Change is the only constant in the business universe. Your
client's needs change everyday and your challenge is to identify
those needs that are causing a dissatisfaction in their life.
Finding and solving these elusive needs will lead to more sales
for your business.
Ask yourself, are you searching for new areas of client
dissatisfaction for your product or service to solve? Are you
focusing your marketing on their needs and desires? Are you
positioning yourself as a solution to their problems?
Clients and prospects are always looking to improve their
personal condition as they travel through life. It's a natural
quality of the human condition. What they currently possess may
satisfy them today but that is sure to change. Within this
change resides opportunities for you.
Your growth and prosperity will come from the unsatisfied and the
needy. These are the people who may or may not know they need a
solution. It is your job to uncover their hidden needs and supply
the solution.
So you ask, 'If they are satisfied now, I need to create a new
No, you are not necessarily creating the dissatisfaction but
uncovering it for them to see. When you think about it, we all
live in a state of ignorance throughout our daily lives. We
don't realize that we need what we don't have. Simply put, you
cannot satisfy a need until you know that you have one in the
first place.
For example, not too long ago there was a time when computers did
not exist. We were unaware of the influence and benefits that
these machines would have on our daily lives. Yet we survived
without them in blissful ignorance as we plodded through the
workday. Today, you can't run a business without a computer on
your desk!
The computer industry uncovered a whole host of reasons that we
were dissatisfied: streamlining document processing, efficiently
transferring data, communicating instantaneously anywhere in the
world, and having vast amounts of information available at the
click of a mouse. Indeed, these needs always existed somewhat,
but the marketplace didn't know it needed the productivity a
computer offered.
The catalyst to discovering these unknown needs are imagination
and innovation. You must find the dissatisfaction and creatively
communicate your solution to the client. Until you make this
discovery, happy clients are not interested in purchasing more
from you. Your goal must be to find an offering that fills a
need, solves a problem, or improves their condition.
Creating the products and services that put an end to their
current dissatisfactions is the best way to insure continued
business growth.
Become a leader and innovator within your industry. With this
strategy you will position your business as a valuable resource
that is trusted and looked on as the best choice in the market.
This makes sales much easier, decreases your enemies, and greatly
increases your success.
George Whitecraft
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