Help for the Home Based Business

Wouldn’t it be great to get some good, affordable, reliable help,
even though you work out of your home? But finding workers and
figuring out where to meet or when to bring them into your home
office can pose some difficult juggling, personal and security
A popular solution is outsourcing. When you outsource, you can
hire experienced people and let them use their creative talents
while you focus on other tasks. Another benefit is that the
workers you hire may be more up to date on the latest information
and technology in their specific fields and can be assets to your
clients, as well, offering improved quality service.
Here are the basics to outsourcing:
Focus on outsourcing some of the major tasks of your workload.
First, sit down for a breather and look around your ‘To Do’ lists
and office area. What CAN you outsource? Which work seems to pile
up the most?
For example, maybe you can’t seem to find time to update your
website each month. Maybe your newsletter is STILL not getting
out regularly. Or perhaps your direct mail campaign is not quite
as direct as it should be; i.e. it is sitting directly in the
same pile it was three months ago.
Then write out one-page project description for these major
tasks. Focus on WHAT exactly you’d want done, WHEN and HOW the
end product should turned in to you.
Take Action:
Then look for service providers. For example, with the sample
tasks above, find people who can help with Internet websites,
newsletter creation and sending out direct mail campaigns. Call
round and surf the Internet and ask other home based business
operators which companies they recommend. Check forum posts;
inquire for advice and suggestions. Shop around for comparisons.
Then set up trial periods and test a couple. Remember, no one is
perfect. See who you can communicate with pretty easily and who’s
flexible to work as a team player. Check out the quality (and
quantity) of their work. Then choose a candidate. Remember, this
decision is not carved in stone. And you can always hire the
other person as a back up or second helper down the road. So be
kind to all who test, make decisions and keep your business
moving forward.
Make the most out of your investment and get a great return by
investing in your time wisely, too. Outsourcing will hopefully
free up more time for you to focus on the work you like and allow
more time for marketing and advertising, to increase sales and
projects. Don’t forget to brush up on your skills and keep up
with the industry now, too. Read the latest ezines in your field
and take a brush up course or workshop to improve your skills.
Network and seek out joint venture opportunities.
Outsourcing is a great way to help small businesses grow larger
while still remaining at home. So reach out and give it a
George Whitecraft
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